Chamisa’s CCC distances itself from Khupe -Welshman Ncube meeting

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The Nelson Chamisa-led CCC has distanced itself from the meeting held by CCC Vice President Professor Welshman Ncube and the MDC-T President Thokazani Khupe brokered by Khupe’s ally Abednico Bhebhe.

The party issued a statement after a picture of the trio went viral on the internet causing CCC members to question the agenda of the meeting.

In response, the party issued a statement on Twitter, “We note concerns raised by this image. It would appear it was a private meeting. CCC is a new citizens’ project. The rollout of the program of action & all matters incidental will be announced. Citizens mustn’t be confused or panic about the health & well-being of their project.”

Commenting on the meeting former G40 Kingpin Walter Mzembi said, “Who needs the other here in Matabeleland, Welsh or Mme Khupe? Bhebhe is the broker closer in fact to Khupe & a grassroots mobilizer. @CCCZimbabwe without this convergence will be walloped by Zanu PF in the Region. Like her or hate her Khupe is a bulldozer!”

CCC also took the opportunity to confirm the rumors that the party has dissolved its structures because the project is a new party not related to its predecessor MDC Alliance which was born in 2019.

“CCC is a brand new party. It has no historical structures. CCC has no mandate to speak on behalf of individuals & their choices. Our program of action, agenda & all matters incidental will be shared at the appropriate time & announced by the Change Champion in Chief.” The party said.