MSU lecturer in public brawl over boyfriend with hairdresser

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Wonders shall never end. Chii nhai senior lecturer, munhu ane zvikundla zvakakura kudero, dei kuri kuchiutomuri five Star General. Uyuanogwara chete uyu. Munosvodesa, puuu.

You thought HOTH was mad when I was advising you to keep on wearing zvichira zvekumeso, social distancing and washing mazioko anongo bata zvose zvose, hezvo dambudziko radzoka.

Tavanaro muberere, saka vayavana dzvatsvatsva please stay at home zvekuinda kuBondolfi kunofisher maslay queen simbomirai, you will be slayed. Rekichara ava ndeve kuMoreS…Univer …oooh sorry, Midlands State University, on that day she was putting on blue jeans, a sweater with stripes, shangu dzakabviswa, kopaida kurohwa munhuzve imwi, mongohwa.

Hairdresser was putting on aspotted blue dress raigumiramumabvi, short enough, kwairaigumira parakatangira.

Vakasvikigwa pasaloon pakazara vanhu kwaakutanga kubekwa, mwana wemudhara, matauro achidonha, vanhu vachinhonga, the video is there for all to see, vana vevanhu vachikwishurana, hembe dzichidambuka. Kusara munhu arimusvo, veduwee, sure this world is not our home.

Munhu wa senior rekichara kuinda kuMandava kunogwira murume, wotorera munhu boyfriend woikindisa futi. True vaka- tora friend’s boyfriend after she divorced her husband last month, havasi kumira, vakati ndingashaya murume iyo shamwari yangu yasiyiwa, eyi.

She is a Geo Science Lecturerin the Faculty of Mining Engineering at MSU and the boyfriend is based in Harare, anonzi Fani, iwe Fani iwe. Abhero mhoro. Aleke mhoti.

The rekichara is the Vice President of Midlands State University Lecturers Association(MSULA) and answers to the name Rwotenda Takaifiranyika and the hairdresser’s name is Purisika. The rekichara is a yellow bone asi ummm pameso apa, pameso apa, unogona kutoinda navo kunovhima zvikwereti, haa igoritoto chairo zvokuti akaiswa nyanga anokuma mukadzi iyeye.

Pakashatiwa baba, ndovanonzi vana Shatrisha ivavo, kana chichifamba makumbo anenge achiita kiss madhola, ummm as Fani wakashinga kupinda nezvakadero mumachira.

Vanhu vanovhundukaka, unovhundutsa vanhu, makumbo acho ungati muti wakarohwa nemupande kana kuti mheni. Asi Purisika was pummelled and sustained serious injuries, mwana wavanhu haasi kutarisika zvachose.

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Asi imwi vanhu vechechi iyi maakutibhowa manje, haaa kugara muchingotatsurana, nguva nenguva.