British billionaire Richard Branson jets into Zimbabwe

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HARARE – British billionaire magnate and commercial astronaut Richard Branson jets into Zimbabwe aboard a fastjet plane.
The Fastjet plane flew in from Johannesburg.

In a Tweet, Fastjet posted, “Guess who was on a Fastjet flight to Harare?

“It was a pleasure having Richard Branson onboard a fastjet flight.

“Honoured to have one of aviation’s top personalities flying with us,”

It is not clear why the flamboyant, London-born founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways is in the country.

Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson and his family arrived in Harare to a fastjet welcome.

All smiles, Sir Richard Branson with fastjet Zimbabwe's Accountable Manager Captain Joe Mparuri and Chief Commercial Officer Vivian Ruwuya upon his arrival in Harare for a private visit.

Hello Sir Richard, welcome to Zimbabwe. #fastjetForEveryone