Trump calls for peace in Ukraine

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NEW YORK  – Former US President Donald Trump expressed his belief that the time is opportune for making peace in Ukraine and suggested that the United States should act as a mediator in the peace process.

Trump stated that the US should focus on bringing Russia and Ukraine together to negotiate a peace agreement, emphasizing that this is the right moment to do so.

According to Reuters, Trump also mentioned that Ukraine should be allowed to keep what it has “earned,” although the report did not provide further clarification on the meaning of “earned.”

It is suggested that Trump may be implying that Ukraine should retain certain territorial gains.

However, he acknowledged that negotiation would be necessary and emphasized the importance of having the right mediator or negotiator, which he believes is currently lacking.

While Trump has previously expressed his confidence in brokering peace in Ukraine within 24 hours if he were to win the 2024 presidential election, he has not provided specific details on how he envisions resolving the conflict.