Video: Chamisa’s ally heckled over imposition of CCC candidates

Amos Chibaya
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Sunday was a bad day to forget for Amos Chibaya in Bulawayo where he was heckled and rebuffed by an angry CCC crowd, after Advocate Nelson Chamisa sent him there to calm down boiling tensions over CCC’s imposition of candidates – for the August 2023 harmonised general election – who either resoundingly lost the party’s derided “Bereka Mwana” [queue behind your candidate] community selection caucuses, or who did not even participate in those caucuses.

The angry CCC crowd Chibaya had gone to address told him to go back and demanded that, instead, Chamisa himself should come to Bulawayo to explain his wanton imposition of candidates in the province, apologise and remove from Bulawayo province the culprits who connived with him to enable the imposition!