Ex-con returns for love

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WHAT an ultimatum!

When she got him arrested she thought she was off the hook, but little did she know that a few months down the line her nightmare in flesh would yet again return to sentence her to a forced marriage.

Lovemore Marange declared that if his ex-wife Sithabiso Tshabangu does not accept his marriage proposal he would rather kill her or cut off her legs to make sure she never gets married to anyone else.

Tshabangu who had fallen out of love with Marange, an ex-convict, revealed that the man is forcing her to reunite with him if she still wants to live longer.

The mother of two, after turning down the marriage proposal and fearing for her life, decided to seek a protection order against Marange.

“Marange is my ex-husband and he was sentenced to imprisonment for months on Domestic Violence charges.

“After being released, he came to my house and beat me up saying I should marry him. He then threatened to kill me saying if his plan fails, he would cut off my legs so that I spend the rest of my life on the wheelchair and never get married to anyone,” said Tshabangu.

The woman revealed that she now lives in fear as Marange is a threat to her life and will do anything to fix her.

However, Marange said the woman was telling lies because she was bitter of his release in jail.

“I never said all those things, she is just bitter that I was released and wants me to be jailed again.

“I do not even know where she stays and she is the one who took away all my property when I was in jail,” said Marange.

Western Commonage magistrate Tancy Dube granted the order in favour of Tshabangu.