Naked Man runs amok ….Destroys windscreens of neighbour’s new Merc

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IN a bizarre incident that shocked Chikanga residents, a man woke up naked at midnight, trespassed into his neighbour’s yard and went on to smash two top-of-the-range cars which were parked inside. Shadreck Mutimwaamba of house number 8907, Natview Park, is alleged to have committed the offence during the wee hours of last Saturday.

He smashed the windows of a brand new Mercedes-Benz and Toyota Prado belonging to his neighbour, Rueben Chirara. Chirara is an engineer with Destiny of Africa Network and lives at house number 8699. He has since lodged a complaint at Chikanga Police Station, which was received under Reports Received Book Number 3291178. Narrating what happened on the day in question, Chirara said he was shocked by his neighbour’s actions.

Smashed windscreens of the Mercedes-Benz : Pictures by Tinai Nyadzayo

“I know him as my neighbour here in Natview Park and I do not have problems with him. I am really shocked with what he has done to me. I was on my way from Marange when I was told that there was a man who had trespassed into my yard and was destroying cars. I arrived at around 2am and residents had managed to restrain him. Witnesses told me that he was demanding my Benz, but what puzzled me most was that he did all this while stark naked. I think he was possessed because what he did was not normal,” he said.

Chirara said Mutimwaamba begged for forgiveness and pledged to meet the costs of repairing the cars. Chirara’s wife, Penzy Museta, who was at home when Mutimwaamba ran amok, said she was still to come to terms with their neighbour’s actions.

Chirara’s wife, Penzy, shows a heavy chunk of scrap metal used to smash the windows.

“When he arrived, he shouted saying Chirara wake up and pray. After some minutes we heard a loud bang on the window. He jumped into the yard and began smashing the cars. I called for help,” she said.

Asked why people failed to restrain him before he extensively damaged the vehicles, Ms Museta said Mutimwaamba claimed that he was armed and would shoot anyone who tried to stop him.

Curious neighbours gather outside the house

“He claimed to be armed with a pistol and threatened to shoot anyone who wanted to restrain him,” she said.

Mutimwaamba’s wife, Marvellous, could not comment over her husband’s behaviour, saying she was still in a state of shock. – Manica Post