Zimbabwe tax collections for September above target

Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) chairperson, Willia Bonyongwe
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HARARE – Zimbabwe’s tax agency today said it surpassed its September revenue target of $326.49 million by 14.34 percent on increased tax compliance.

“ZIMRA is pleased to advise the nation that the revenue target for the month of September 2017, which stood at $326.49 million, has been surpassed, courtesy of your tax compliance and support,” the tax agency said in a statement.

Gross collections were 19.04 percent above target to $388.65 million in the month.

Refunds for the month stood at $15.33 million.

ZIMRA said net revenue collections increased by 6.06 percent to $373.23 million from $352 million collected in the comparable period last year.

The tax agency attributed the superb revenue performance to measures put in place to improve collections.

“ZIMRA is also pleased that measures to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness, to boost revenue collections, and safeguard revenue are bearing fruits.” – The Source