Witchcraft rocks MDC-T primaries as winning candidate calls in seer after muti is dumped at his home

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IN a suspected case of witchcraft, incumbent MDC-T councilor for Mutare Central Ward Four Edson Kalulu had his celebration cut short after he discovered some ‘muti’ dumped at his doorstep following his victory in the recent primary elections.

Kalulu lives in Mundembe area in Sakubva high density suburb.

Kalulu defeated other three contestants namely Pauline Hendeni, Ernest Manzinde and Susan Makombere well known as “Mai Tracy”.

Kalulu said he was shocked to see a clay pot, small bag, a bottle containing what looked like water, tree roots, black human hair, a small broom and a letter containing a threatening message at his door step on Sunday morning.

“I’m not sure who did this but I was shaken when I woke up to find a clay-pot, small bag, bottle of what looked like water, roots, black human hair, two needles, small used broom and a written letter which reads, ‘You won’t last this whole year”, “Gore rino hauripedzi” he said.

According to Kalulu, he strongly suspects that this was an act of retaliation by bitter supporters of his rivals.

“I suspect that the supporters of my opponents might have done this as they are not happy with my victory in the primaries,” he said.

After discovering strange items, the councilor engaged the services of prominent Mutare prophet known as Madzibaba Skynage.

Madzibaba Skynage, who plies his trade at Maonde Shrines, visited Kalulu’s house and conducted a cleansing ceremony before burning all the objects. The ceremony took almost two hours from 6 to 9am.

Some eyewitness said the event could have been stage managed as a strategy to attract sympathy from the electorate.

“Remember this is election period, the event could have been stage managed to attract sympathy from voters,” said one eyewitness.

But others who were interviewed said the event was real since the primary elections were tightly contested this year and rival supporters wanted to revenge by harming the winner. – NewZim