EX-wife from hell!
Precious Mpofu is being accused by her ex-husband Mkhululi Ndlovu of meddling in his life and relationships.They separated two years ago but Mpofu is a thorn in the flesh for Ndlovu who has since sought a protection order.
Ndlovu narrated how life has been hell for him.
“I have been separated from her for a while now and it was due to her abusive behaviour. Now that I have moved on she comes to my workplace causing commotion. I was almost fired because of her behaviour,” he said.
He added that she claimed to be still in love with him.
“She says she is still my wife and we never separated. She says this when we are together but she tells the world that I do not support my children. I support my children and I give her money for her personal use and she says I left her because I had got a better job, which is not true. I was living like I am in a horror movie with that woman, she would always threaten to kill me if I left her and she would even say she would wound me permanently as a reminder of me leaving her,” he said.
According to Ndlovu his ex-wife is dangerous, delusional and psychotic.
“She is capable of hurting me physically,” said Ndlovu.
Mpofu insists that Ndlovu is useless.
“As if taking me to court was not enough now he has come to the papers. That man is a whiner. He doesn’t take care of his children, that is why I trouble him all the time and I won’t stop until he has learnt to man up and take responsibility.”
When Mpofu was asked why she had not gone to the courts to report Ndlovu’s negligence on his children she froze for some seconds and responded:
“The courts wouldn’t take action fast and I am doing this for my children.”
Prosecutor Mike Mageza at the Western Commonage Courts confirmed that Mpofu was served with a protection order.