HARARE – The Division of Veterinary Services has imposed strict controls on the operation of veterinary laboratories in new regulations under the Animal Health Act.
This comes after the Council of Veterinary Surgeons of Zimbabwe (CVSZ) has warned Zimbabweans to be on the lookout for bogus veterinary surgeons who are practising under the name of registered veterinary surgeons.
Most were neither qualified nor registered with the CVSZ.
This was putting animal lives at risk by performing procedures that they are not qualified to carry out.
From now on, a new laboratory will require a certificate of approval issued by the director of Veterinary Services on the recommendation of a committee of the government’s Central Veterinary Laboratory, before operations are commenced, according to Statutory Instrument 89 of 2017 gazetted on Friday.
Existing laboratories will have six months to secure approval.
Standards to be met, and application, registration and renewal fees, are prescribed in the gazette.
There are also provisions regulating testing of biological samples for disease surveillance and confirmation, and testing of live animals and animal products for movement control and import and export certification, reporting of test results to the director of Veterinary Services, controls on sample shipment, and adherence to national, regional and international standards.
Manufacturers of animal vaccines and reagents will require authorisation from the director of Veterinary Services.
“Appeals against decisions can be made to the minister of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.
“A further appeal against the minister’s decision can be made to the Administrative Court,” the gazette says.