Grace asked to rest, not attend second day of Mugabe public funeral

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Former President Robert Mugabe’s family asked his wife to rest and not be beside his body as it lies in state for a second day.

They had always earlier said the late stateman’s wishes had included that Grace Mugabe be beside his coffin until his burial.

Thousands of people continue to pay their last respects to Mugabe who died in a Singapore hospital last week.

MUgabe’s family statement was clear on Thursday: wherever his remains were taken, his wife Grace would have to be there.

But she was given a break on Friday and was not present at the Rufaro Stadium where the remains lay in state.

Family spokesperson Leo Mugabe said the former president’s death has taken a toll on his wife.

“She’s only human and the toll that this has taken, the pressure, the stress and those sorts of things. We are asking her, as a family, to take rest.”

This development comes after the family confirmed earlier on Friday that Mugabe will be buried at the National Monument for Liberation Hero’s Acre in the capital.