Grain silos for flood-prone areas

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THE Government is set to construct grain silos in all flood-prone areas to ensure food security during disasters.

Local Government and Public Works Minister July Moyo said this while officiating at the installation of Chief Muzarabani at Kapembere Primary School in Muzarabani over the weekend.

Chief Muzarabani born Alfonce Chuzu was a headman pending the resuscitation of the Muzarabani chieftainship.

Minister Moyo said Muzarabani is a flood-prone area and disaster management starts with village heads, headmen and Chiefs.

“Floods can be predicted but when they happen we will be watching how traditional leaders will relay the information. It is their duty to protect their people so that no life is lost,” he said.

“We witnessed this during Cyclone Idai how traditional leaders play a critical role in disaster management.

“The Government has a plan to construct grain silos in low lying areas like Muzarabani where civil protection struggles to access. We are working with the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education to profile all flood prone areas”.

He said the Government will be assisted to fill up the grain silos by the Zunde raMambo’s Pfumvudza programme.

Starting next year Zunde raMambo will extend to headmen and their chiefs who look after orphans, widows, and vulnerable people.

“Mashonaland Central is leading in traditional crops production and we urge Chiefs to encourage people to continue production of small grains,” he said.

“Chiefs must strengthen their relationship with rural district councils and the ruling party to ensure that concerns of the people are addressed.”

Turning to Mbire-Muzarabani oil and gas explorations, Minister Moyo urged Chiefs to embrace the investors.

He said the oil and gas prospects by Invictus Energy is considered the most extensive undrilled oil and gas prospects onshore in Africa.

“As a nation, it is our prayer that the exploration exercise which has commenced will yield positive results. I am glad to hear that Invictus Energy Company is working together with traditional leaders to ensure that the exploration is successful,” he said.

“It is my hope that the success of this project will not only improve the livelihoods of the people of Muzarabani but also the economy of this country.”

Chief Muzarabani welcomed the Government programme of constricting silos saying it will go a long way in ensuring food security.

He said the district only produced white and red sorghum due to a bad season.

“Sorghum is our cash crop but this time we are saving it for household consumption due to drought. We want assistance to resuscitate our plots in Arda Muzarabani so that we can utilise the land for zunde ramambo,” he said. Herald.