Zanu-PF MP charms MDC losing candidate

Tinomudaishe Machakaire
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“I cannot do my party slogan here, but I want to congratulate you, MP Machakaire, for your appointment as Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport Arts and Recreation. I can assure you that we will work together to develop this constituency. I also want to recognize the good work that you’re doing for the people in this community. Keep the good work rolling,” the MDC politician said to Machakaire, before he stepped back into his car and drove off.

Zanu-PF legislator for Wedza South, Tinomudaishe Machakaire, on Sunday charmed the MDC losing parliamentary candidate Fanuel Gukwe by asking him as he drove in his Jeep Cherokee SUV to park the car and greet Zanu-PF youths who were at an interface rally, and the wowed MDC agreed.

Machakaire, the newly-appointed Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport Arts and Recreation, cornered Gukwe and asked him who was just driving past. Gukwe agreed.

“I cannot do my party slogan here, but I want to congratulate you, MP Machakaire, for your appointment as Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport Arts and Recreation. I can assure you that we will work together to develop this constituency. I also want to recognize the good work that you’re doing for the people in this community. Keep the good work rolling,” the MDC politician said to Machakaire, before he stepped back into his car and drove off.

Gukwe polled 2111 votes in the July 2018 parliamentary elections, while Machakaire got 9525 votes.

Machakaire, speaking to the gathered Zanu-PF youths, urged them to work with everyone in the constituency regardless of political affiliation.

“Let those who don’t support Zanu-PF see the light. You don’t beat them up, but do community development projects. Be examplary in your conduct so that everyone can see that we are indeed in the New Dispensation.

“We have bought candle making machines, peanut butter machines and sewing machines for the training centre and we are waiting for the Ministry officials to come and orient you so that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills for your community’s development,” Machakaire said.

Last month, Machakaire made news when he declined a government issued motor vehicle, saying it could serve other needy sectors. He also donated a Toyota Hilux truck to Chigondo ward in his Wedza South constituency.