Mphoko trashes the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission-says it is only after Jonathan Moyo

Former Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko
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Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko has trashed the country’s anti-corruption watchdog, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission saying it is incapable of dealing with corruption as it has corrupt elements within it.

ZACC is commission with a constitutional mandate to curb corruption and falls under the Office of the President and Cabinet.

Mphoko told the Chronicle: “ZACC is being abused. Looking at the way its operating, it’s not going to give Government the best results but it’s simply serving the interest of a few individuals. ZACC has simply become an instrument that’s being used to target other people and this is unfortunate.

“I must express my concern about ZACC. I don’t think it’s capable of dealing with corruption in the country. As far as ZACC is concerned, the only sinner is Prof Moyo and myself because I ordered the release of Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (zinara) executives from police custody…

“We know very well that there are people who are stealing, smuggling gold into South Africa and other countries. There are people who are smuggling chrome out of this country. There are people who have fraudulently bought properties, including blocks of flats in South Africa when we’re suffering here.

“ I’m asking myself who’s going to arrest these people if ZACC sees Prof Moyo as the only corrupt person in this country. Some people are actually being arrested for nothing and ZACC doesn’t care. All they want is to arrest Prof Moyo…..

“It becomes difficult for us to believe these people who choose to chase one person in this whole country. We have illegal money changers crippling the economy. I’m told people bring new bond notes onto the streets to buy United States dollars. This is clear sabotage and these are the people that ZACC should look for not Jonathan or me. I’m strongly against the way ZACC operates because they have serious corrupt elements among themselves.” – Insider