‘Moyo murdered daughter for political mileage’ – Senior Zanu PF official

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Gokwe-Nembudziya MP Justice Mayor Wadyajena on Monday accused Higher Education minister Jonathan Moyo of murdering his daughter for “the love of power”.

Jonathan Moyo and Zanele Moyo
Jonathan Moyo and the late Zanele Moyo

Wadyajena was responding to a tweet by Moyo, in which the latter uploaded a video of the former denouncing the use of poison against political opponents.

Moyo’s daughter Zanele was found dead in October 2015. An immense cloud of suspicion surrounded her demise, with friends of the Moyo family stating from the onset that foul play had been involved.

Gruesome pictures of the apartment showed blood in the bathroom, and other parts of the apartment where her body was found.

A close friend of Moyo, Philip Chiyangwa took center stage, and personally vowed to track down two Zambian men who had been reported to be the last people to see Zanele alive.

It was reported that Zanele was buried without a heart after South African authorities who conducted the post mortem did not ‘put the heart back’. It set off a mini diplomatic spat.

Harare expressed displeasure at the manner in which the investigation into her death was being conducted, and questioned the efforts of the South African Police Service.

Khuluma Afrika has been told that “high people in high places wanted the police to investigate murder before they had even ascertained what caused Zanele’s death”.

South African authorities requested that their Zimbabwean counterparts demonstrate patience while the police await reports from pathologists. The furor died down after the official results of the postmortem were released to the Moyo family. Something that Wadyajena says is suspicious.

“Highly suspicious considering that the 2 (Chiyangwa and Moyo) are akin to commenting on each and every issue under the sun. This suggests the port-mortem may have revealed something inconsistent with the theory they would’ve liked to have the public believe.”

When asked if he believed Moyo genuinely had a hand in his own daughter’s death, Wadyajena reiterated that Moyo has a track record of lacking compassion, associated with people who practice ‘dark magic’, and has a lust for power at all costs.

“Moyo has proven time and again that he will do anything for power. He has turned on the closest of friends and allies. This is the same man who virtually celebrated the hospitalisation of the VP. Frankly, anything is possible.”

It is not the first time Moyo has been accused of lacking compassion, or being plain evil. When human rights activist Itai Dzamara was abducted, Moyo dismissed it first as an attention seeking gimmick, then stated that Dzamara could have migrated in search of better living conditions, before stating that people go ‘missing all the time’.

“People disappear every day and you mention one person, but in fact, we have quite some porous borders. A lot of people cross borders without our knowing,” Moyo, who was Information minister then, said.

He backtracked on his words over a year later.

“On Dzamara, while a lot has been said, including by me, the scary and indubitable fact is that he was abducted in broad daylight. So yes, it’s regrettable that I have said things that have unfortunately conflated and confused a missing person with an abducted person,” he wrote on Twitter.

Moyo’s colleagues in the G40 faction have been repeatedly accused of practicing black magic. Another friend of Moyo, Kasukuwere, reportedly spent 14 nights sleeping at a grave.

He also reportedly attempted to shake every legislator’s hand after returning from visiting a well known traditional healer. Pictures of Kasukuwere entering the shrine went viral of social media.

Wadyajena added Moyo has a lustful desire for power, and would do anything, and use anybody to achieve his gains. He issued a sharp warning to would be suitors and vehicles for Moyo’s agenda.

“What I can say for sure is Political Prostitutes like Moyo have no morals and integrity and no really staying power. (sic)”

“And those that trust him will attract the same fate as those that trusted him in the past.”

Wadyajena is believed to have been speaking about the late gospel singer Jackie Madondo who died in hospital after being involved in a car accident which claimed her child’s life.

She was reportedly romantically involved with the married Moyo. Rumours have been awash since her death that Moyo had a hand.

The leader of Zimbabwe’s War Veterans, Ambassador Chris Mutsvangwa, accused Moyo of attempting to kill General Constantino Chiwenga during the liberation struggle. Khuluma Afrika