HARARE – The beleaguered President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government has been warned against fighting the United States of America through victimising the USA Ambassador Brian Nichols.
Speaking to this reporter on Thursday Political Analyst Shephard Dube said, “They want to turn Zimbabwe into a North Korea. We can’t divorce ourselves from the Free World expect to prosper. If they do that, the Entire North America and the 28 EU countries will go extremely cold on us.”
Dube Was commenting after the Foreign affairs Minister Sibusiso Moyo threatened to discipline USA Ambassador Brian Nichols for allegedly acting like an opposition member.
“If the rogue government of Mnangagwa continues to throw salvo at America they must be prepared to see a mass exodus of people to flee the Zimbabwe that will collapse or they must prepare to be overthrown by a popular revolution because poverty will force people to take the regime head on,” Dube added.
On Thursday Sibusiso Moyo said, “We genuinely seek dialogue with all well-meaning countries as part of our re-engagement efforts but our openness and innate generosity of spirit of all Zimbabweans should not be taken for granted and should certainly not be abused.
“We have the means to bring all this to an end, should we deem it necessary or should we be pushed too far. The unfortunate statement made by the US Ambassador on the occasion of the SADC anti-sanctions day on 25 October exhibited a clear contravention of acceptable diplomatic etiquette, was grossly partisan in nature and reflected not only a worrying lack of respect for the host government but was also abusive of the hospitality of the people of Zimbabwe as a whole.
“Whilst we are a welcoming extremely tolerant and friendly people, it would be a mistake for these qualities to be misinterpreted by any diplomat to mean that we are weak or that we will simply ignore or tolerate any form of insult or abuse.”
Source: Byo24