Mnangagwa still VP

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Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa will continue to be a thorn in the flesh of First Lady Grace Mugabe as he remained in his post but lost the Justice portfolio while she remains outside the government.

There had been wide speculation that the cabinet reshuffle which President Robert Mugabe hinted on on Saturday would see Mnangagwa thrown out of the government with the First Lady being elevated but nothing of the sort happened.

The biggest demotions seem to be those of Patrick Chinamasa and Simba Mumbengegwi who were replaced by Ignatius Chombo and Walter Mzembi but apart from Happyton Bonyongwe it was just recycling the same dead wood.

Some people see the removal of the Justice Ministry from Mnangagwa as a blow and will be looking at the new cabinet as who is from G40 and who is from Lacoste.

But more is to come when the politburo meets on Wednesday.

Bonyongwe automatically becomes leader of the House.

The cabinet reshuffle was as follows:

Ignatius Chombo                                              Finance and Economic Development

Patrick Chinamasa                                          Cyber Security, Threat Detection and Mitigation

Walter Mzembi                                                 Foreign Affairs.

Obert Mpofu                                                    Home Affairs

Simbarashe Mumbengegwi,                       Macro-economic Planning and Investment Promotion

Patrick Zhuwao                                                 Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Simon Khaya Moyo                                         Media, Information and Broadcasting Services.

Saviour Kasukuwere                                      Local Government, Rural development and National Housin

Christopher Mushohwe                               Minister of State in the President’s Office Responsible for National Scholarships.

Makhosini Hlongwane                                  Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture.

Edgar Mbwembwe                                         Tourism, Environment and Hospitality Industry

Happyton Bonyongwe                                  Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.

Cain Mathema                                               Welfare Services for War Veterans, War Collaborators, Former Political Detainees and Restrictees

Chiratidzo Mabuwa                                         Youth Development, Indigenization and Economic Employment.

Maboyi Ncube                                                  Minister of State for Matabeleland South Province

Thokozile Mathuthu                                       Minister of State for Matabeleland North Province

Webster Shamu                                              Minister of State for Mashonaland West Province

Paul Chimedza                                               Minister of State for Masvingo Province