An aspiring MDC-T councilor for Ward 1 in Marondera Central has been barred from using his residential address by his landlord who is also an aspiring candidate for MDC-Alliance.
MDC-T’s Chemani Mataka does not have a permanent address in Marondera and allegedly sought to use former Mayor Chengetai Murowa’s home address on his nomination papers.
However, Murowa, who also intends to contest in the same by-elections has refused to allow that.
Mataka had previously used Murowa’s address during their time together in the MDC before the factional splits.
The law stipulates that for any prospective candidate to file their nomination papers they are required to use the same address appearing on the voters’ roll.
Faced with the predicament of being challenged by a person who is using his residential address, although he does not stay there, Murowa decided to bar Mataka from using the address.
In an interview with Open Council Marondera, the two confirmed the development although Mataka later switched off his phone midway through the interview.
Party Split Ended Relationship
“In 2013, Mr Mataka, who is a man of no fixed aboard, approached me requesting to use my home address 19 Cherutombo Street, Dombotombo Township for anything that required physical address,” said Murowa.
He further revealed that the deal went on well with Murowa writing affidavits indicating that Mataka was a bona fide resident at his place.
However, Mataka then decided to challenge his landlord in the forthcoming by-election which has ruffled Murowa’s feathers.
For Mataka to file his nomination papers on January 26 when the nomination court is set to sit, he needs an affidavit from Murowa confirming that he resides at his house.
Contacted for comment, Mataka confirmed that he has been using Murowa’s address for all these years, adding that the latter was afraid of a looming defeat, hence the dirty tactics.
The impeding by-elections are coming after MDC-T recalled six councilors accusing them of siding with a rival party MDC-A.