During a heated up Twar on Monday Jamwanda said to Moyo, “Whilst you are an acolyte of Machiavelli, you seem to read him upright, grasp him upside-down. No power equation is complete without the dimension of armor, which no amount of bravado neutralizes; you know that, should have, to modulate your whole conduct. That’s realpolitik.”
The statement caused Moyo to respond saying the Jamwanda cahrancter was indeed Charamba.
“George Charamba, now you are coming out in your true colours as the MINUTE TAKER & WORDSMITH OF MURDERERS, who unleash ARMOR against civilians.” Moyo said. ” You took minutes in gukurahundi, Murambatsvina, 2008 poll coup, Nov 2017, 1 Aug 2018 & 14-28 Jan 2019.”
Jamwanda has been a very controversial twitter character who is giving out information that is a preserve of the political elite.