Prominent Zimbabwean journalist and filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono said that he has been threatened with death and/or arrest after his crusade against corruption. He posted on Twitter:
I am being threatened with death or arrest! At this point, I want to tell you all that I DON’T care what ZANU-PF and Mnangagwa do to me!
DEATH does not scare me at this point. Find something else.
We shall all die at some point! You will not stop me or other journalists with threats!
Over the past few weeks, Chin’ono has exposed how two “briefcase” companies, Drax International and Jaji have allegedly been awarded tenders to supply COVID-19 equipment by government officials corruptly.
The two companies are controlled by people who are allegedly close to Zimbabwe’s First Family.
Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance officials have been implicated in the COVID-gate scandal after awarding the contracts to the dodgy companies and undertaking to make payments without following due process.
Meanwhile, the government has cancelled all the procurement deals worth up to US$60 million signed with one of the companies, Drax International.
On 5 June the acting health ministry secretary Dr Gibson Mhlanga directed the state-owned National Pharmaceutical Company (NatPharm) to terminate “all” existing contracts with Drax following an outcry.