A poster had been circulating on social media platforms on Friday saying the celebrations had been postponed as Chamisa would be presiding over the Burial of the late former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Saturday.
This is despite the fact that Mugabe’s burial will be held on Sunday at his Zvimba rural home in Mashonaland West.
Chamisa said the celebrations as planned.
“Contrary to false information being peddled by detractors, the event to mark and celebrate the 20th Anniversary of our party is going ahead as scheduled tomorrow at Rufaro Stadium. There has been no change or postponement. Please ignore any such false reports,” said Chamisa on Friday.
He indirectly accused Zanu-PF of trying to cause confusion among its members in the run up to the celebrations.
“We are aware that detractors and mischief makers are panicking and uncomfortable at the prospect of a successful event of the people’s movement and would do anything, including generating fiction, to confuse and mislead our members and supporters. They will not succeed,” said Chamisa.
MDC was formed in 1999 under its founding President, the late Morgan Tsvangirai who died on 14 February 2018.