A BULAWAYO prophet has been dragged to court by his ex-wife for failure to pay maintenance for his four children.
Edison Mashambe appeared before Western Commonage Magistrate Lungile Ncube and pleaded guilty to the charge.
Prosecuting Nathan Marime told the court that Mashambe did not know that maintenance is paid monthly.
“I was not aware that I had to pay every month, I only thought it was a once-off thing, “said Mashambe.
Evelyn Sibanda was demanding $500 which Mashambe had not paid since 2017.
“We had an agreement with Mashambe that he had to pay for the children’s upkeep but I was surprised as he went silent after one payment only,” said Sibanda.
“What pains me the most is that I am struggling to raise these children when they have a father who can afford them a good life,”Sibanda added.
Mashambe pleaded with the court that he be forgiven and allowed time to pay his debt.
“May I be forgiven and be given time to pay off my debt because I did not know what was expected of me,” pleaded Mashambe.
Marime further told the court that Mashambe was also facing a charge of not coming to court the first time he was told to.
He defended himself by telling the court he had to attend to his ill father and a client too resulting in his failure to attend court.
He was given 90 days in prison and within that period he should pay off the $500 and $10 to the court, failure to that he would face more time in prison.