Woman bumps into ex-boyfriend who owed her money – two years after he faked his death

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An Australian woman got the surprise of her life when she bumped into her ex-boyfriend in a restaurant – two years after his family claimed he’d died.

Rachel was 18 years old when she first started dating her then boyfriend, a 21-year-old chef at a local pub, the Daily Mail reports.

Three months into their relationship her boyfriend, who can’t be named for legal reasons, came home one night with a broken hand.

Due to his injuries, he was unable to work so he asked Rachel to loan him R10 000 to make ends meet, ABC reports.

Rachel said he paid some of the money back but when they broke up a few months later, he refused to pay the rest and stopped replying to her messages, according to the Mirror UK.

His friends informed her that some of his furniture had started going missing from the house he was sharing with them.

“Furniture was gone, bed was gone, everything was gone,” Rachel said.

“The initial story was he’d gone to rehab in Queensland.”

Rachel wasn’t convinced and decided to investigate the matter. She discovered that he owed her and his friends more than R23 000 but before she could take the matter further, his mother sent her a SMS saying her son had died.

She told everyone that he’d been murdered by a gang.

“It sounds stupid in retrospect, but you don’t have any reason to question it. If I called you and told you my mum had died, you wouldn’t be like, ‘Give me a death certificate’,” Rachel explained.

She grieved the loss and eventually moved on.

Two years later, she was at a restaurant with her best friend when she discovered her ex-boyfriend very much alive and working there.

“I just went into shock,” she recalls.

Before she could confront him, the restaurant’s manager asked her to leave to avoid creating a scene. She then went to the police so she could get the rest of her money back but was told it was her word against his.

In time, Rachel gave up on confronting her ex and ever getting the money.

“If I’d sat down with him properly, yeah, I would’ve had questions,” she said.

“One or two.”

Sources: Daily MailABCMirror UK