Chirumanzi dentist dating teenagers after losing wife to dread

Unhappy Young Man Having Argument With Woman At Home
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Kwai idzi dzekuZimunya kwaMutare committed suicide at their base, pavaitira nyaya dzacho, after being ditched by a married woman, mukadzi wasekuru vake for that matter. The woman is over 50 and the man was only 38, hey.
Kurambwa nambuya vaadanana navo for six years kwaakuzvi uraya, amana, what is happening guys, bhoo here amana. Kuzvi urayira mukadzi wemunhu here.

Sure, how can you take your life because you have been ditched by a married woman, married woman, mai vakaoma ava. But manga mambochovha henyu, six good years of good laz, good laz.

Our dentist from Chirumanzi Hospital did not commit suicide after dread wemaplan took his beloved nurse, instead he is now hunting for small school going girls, tudoko itwotwo, tunobuda mukaka pamhinho, uuummm asi haisi rape here iyi?
Mapurisa hero basa.

Some background to the story will suffice. A year ago our dentist, musaseka ichokwadi zvandiri kutaura, lost his beloved, beautiful wife to dread who is based in the UK, but achibva kuno kwaChirumanzi. Dread Eneshto or Stenaldo snatched nurse or dentist’s wife during the early days of lockdown soon after touching down from UK, hutu naye kupurazi, kuplot yake.

Dread also bought this our nurse a Honda Fit, ndiye akatanga kuitisa Honda Fit mbiri iye mukadzi uyu.
The dentist’s name is Fatso and they work together with the former wife.

HOTH was just passing through Chirumanzi kwaakusangana nekamufomu 4 aka kanonzi Poraiti, surname handina because it was very early in the morning. Monaz chaiyo kuma to, to ikoko.

Dova risati radonha, she was coming from the dentist’s place, aitobudamo, unotoshaya kuti kowanga obvisiwa zino kuseni kwakadero, nyamba tsvo. The way she was walking sold her away, kozvaingova pachena. Koiko kunyara paakashongana naHOTH. Kukamhinha semunhu abaiwa nemupangare.

Poraiti is a student at one of the biggest schools in the district, chikoro chihombe chaizvo mudunhu ramambo Chirumanzu, shumba iwe huya uone zvoitika munyika mako.

Hona magumbo wakatiza murume hoyo worura muzvana, vabereki, batai vana venyu vanopera nemabhinya awo akatoregwa vakadzi.

Last week dzakaonekwa futi dzinekamwe kangakatori munyufomu. They were enjoying the forbidden fruit in a Be My Wife car iwo mabhima akati kuuya awa. Kokaigoramba sei kakwidzwa mota, ikokachimboinda kuchikoro neshoka. Kuchigayo nemusoro. Kuhuni. Kunochera mvura nemusoro.

Apa mabhokisi epizza akati tii, kana ndimwiwo, kamwana kaigodii kavhevhetedzwa naAbhero mhoro. Magumbo dzokera kumurume iwe. Stop It!!