Outgoing Mayor of Bulawayo, His Worship Solomon Madlala Mguni, has called on Zimbabweans to vote for a new government that will bring about a different way of governing both the country and the city. This appeal was made in anticipation of the national plebiscite scheduled for August 23, following President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s proclamation.
Mayor Mguni made these remarks in response to a Facebook post by senior human rights activist Dumisani Nyongolo Nkomo, who encouraged Bulawayo residents to actively contribute to the development of the city brick by brick.
Said Nkomo on Facebook, “Together we can fix the city. Let’s start with the basics. Keep the city clean and orderly. Lets spruce up our buildings and neighbourhoods. (sic)”
The City Council, in its Smart City by 2024 document, acknowledges the significance of the Smart City Concept in achieving Zimbabwe’s vision of becoming an Empowered and Prosperous Upper Middle Income Society by 2030.
Nkomo’s post prompted businessman Frayzer Mpofu to suggest the need for a law that punishes individuals who neglect buildings until they fall into disrepair.
In response, Mayor Mguni mentioned the existence of model building by-laws, highlighting the importance of enforcing them. However, he expressed that the current fines are not as strict as desired.
“Some people complain that these by-laws are colonial and must be repealed. He said
Mayor Mguni emphasized the necessity of political will at all levels, including state security apparatus and government agencies like the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) and the Physical Planning Department, to adopt a holistic approach to service delivery.
“Its unfortunate that in Zimbabwe you can’t do it alone; unless we realise full devolution of power. For as long as you are required to arrest vendors trading in undisignated points and hand over the same to Police Shop Licensing Inspectorate; we haven’t started. The attitude and conduct of our residents towards their city; the Culture of cleanliness also counts.
“No matter how many clean up campaigns; fines on litter bugs and empowerment of waste pickers we do; for as long as it is not being complimented by residents attitude towards cleanliness; we will move in circles. But first; we must win Zimbabwe for Change on 23 August and usher in a truly new dispensation that will govern differently.
Our cities are broken. Its a reflection of what’s happening at the national level. The centre can no longer hold.” He added.
Source – Byo24