AXED Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa ignored my advice and warnings, and instead chose to be used and later dumped by the likes of fired war veterans and other senior Zanu-PF members, whom he believed were anointing him as a successor to President Mugabe, says Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs, Mandi Chimene.
Mr Mnangagwa was first fired from Government by President Mugabe on Monday, a decision which was endorsed by Zanu-PF’s supreme decision making board outside congress, the Politburo on Wednesday. In an interview on Tuesday, Chimene, said it was sad to note that those who misled Mr Mnangagwa into believing that he was heir apparent to the throne had dumped him, leaving him to battle with stress-related ailments as well as thinking of skipping the border.
According to State media, she said Mr Mnangagwa desperately needed counselling as he was proving that he does not have the mental stamina to stand the heat coming from his ouster from the ruling Zanu-PF.
“It is painful to note that people who are cruel like fired war veterans used and dumped Mnangagwa. Some of these people misled him into believing that he is heir to the throne, but the truth is that there is one-centre of power in Zanu-PF. I was told that he wanted to skip the country into Mozambique, a clear sign that those who purported to have been close to him had dumped him. What his so-called advisors wanted was him out of their way so that they can launch their own political bids. Why dump him in his hour of need?” she said.
She added: “Mr Mnangagwa now needs serious counselling. If I could be given a chance to meet him, I would assist in facilitating his counselling.
“His nickname is Ngwena or Crocodile, but we now doubt his shrewdness as a politician. By skipping the country, he is confirming what was being said before that he uses and dumps people. His followers are now confused. Wherever he is, he must be courageous enough and face reality.”
She said it was not the first time for Mnangagwa to be demoted from the party and should have taken the opportunity to take a deep self introspection.
“President Mugabe has a forgiving heart. It was not the first time for him to be demoted in his career in both Government and the party. If the likes of Dzikamai Mavhaire and Rugare Gumbo who were once sent into the political wilderness bounced back, then the same could happen to Mnangagwa,” said Chimene.
Addressing a provincial co-ordination committee meeting at Mutare Polytechnic on Monday, Chimene said she had voluntarily given advice to all cadres fired from the party before.
“Here in Mutare, I once told former provincial chairman, Ambassador John Mvundura that he was selling out, but he dismissed me as a misguided element. Where is he now? They had organised thugs to humiliate me during a PCC meeting held at Marymount Teachers’ College. They were working in cohorts with the likes of Sheila Mutsenhu, but thanks to my kids who came to my rescue and bashed Sheila, she has since sunk into political oblivion.
“I once challenged Mai Mujuru during a Central Committee meeting in Harare for her to come out clean on her political ambitions, but people dismissed me as a rabble-rouser. The same happened to Mr Mnangagwa. I first took him aside at BAK Storage in Harare where President Mugabe was launching the agricultural mechanisation programme and warned him against fanning factionalism, but he did not listen. I also warned him at a campaign rally for Dangamvura-Chikanga Constituency by-election which was won by Esau Mupfumi. Look at where we are now?”
Chimene also said she was one of the Tsholotsho declaration whistle blowers.
“I was also invited to attend the secret Tsholotsho meeting, but I chickened out when I realised that the agenda was to unseat President Mugabe. I was frequently in touch with those who were travelling to Tsholotsho, so I was aware of their mission. I said I do not want to be associated with coup plotters, a reason why I let the cat out of the bag,” she said.