President Robert Mugabe and his wife today both blasted Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa with Mugabe asking whether he made a mistake by appointing him because if that is the case he can fire him tomorrow.
First Lady Grace Mugabe said Mnangagwa was quite aware that the seat he was holding belonged to a woman. So this would be rectified at the party congress.
She said the Women’s League would therefore have to sit down and decide who to field.
Some war veterans have argued that it is now the turn of the former ZAPU to field a woman.
Mugabe dared Mnangagwa to start his own party if he was not happy in ZANU-PF and said he could contest Mnangagwa one-on-one if need be.
“We are not afraid of anyone. We can decide even here. I will stand in front and have him do the same, those who want to be with me, join me and those who want to be with Mnangagwa go to him,” Mugabe said.
Grace Mugabe said the party had never been in so much turmoil before until the arrival of Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko but the problems were not coming from Mphoko. They were coming from Mnangagwa and it was high time he was told so.
She accused those not firing Mnangagwa of being cowards raising questions on whether Mnangagwa can be fired by the party or only by the President who appointed him.
Mnangagwa attended the rally with his wife who “inherited” his Chirumanzu-Zibagwe seat, something that is now being used by Grace Mugabe that she too can inherit her husband‘s seat.
Auxillia Mnangagwa beat four opposition candidates to win the by-election to fill the seat left by her husband. – Insider