IN the face of increased politically motivated violence ahead of the 2018 elections, the MDC-T has warned Zanu PF to allow other parties to campaign freely as failure to do so might trigger a civil war.
In an interview with the media on Wednesday, MDC-T spokesperson Obert Gutu said it is saddening that the ruling party has resorted to its usual way of intimidating and assaulting opposition members.
“This shows the party is in a panic mode as evidenced by the recent spate of violence cases orchestrated by Zanu PF supporters.
“Zanu PF should make sure that it gives other parties enough space to campaign freely and also renounce their terroristic and thuggish political behaviour and reform. We are having reports of politically motivated violence, especially in rural areas where villagers are vulnerable and this is unacceptable.
“We condemn in the strongest terms the intimidation of our supporters and call upon the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU) to come in and monitor the situation which has gone out of hand as we approach 2018.
“If SADC and AU continue to ignore the developments in Zimbabwe and leave things as they are, we have a serious problem that might degenerate into a civil war,” said Gutu.
Over the weekend, a kraal head in Mazowe, Mashonaland Central, Tendai Nyachuru, had his homestead torched while another MDC-T supporter in Mbare was assaulted and left for dead.
Early this month, properties belonging to MDC-T Vice President Elias Mudzuri and Kuwadzana Councilor Wilton Njanjasi as well as an MDC-T Youth Assembly vehicle were all burnt by unknown arsonists and police have not yet arrested any suspects.
Gutu emphasized that Zanu PF must never be allowed to repeat the 2008 terror attacks on MDC-T supporters where more than 600 people were ruthlessly butchered by the ruling party.
Last week, the MDC-T said it had been “pushed too far”.
While Mugabe has urged his members to stop violence he has remained mum on the attacks on opposition supporters. – NewsZim