GOROMONZI, Zimbabwe – Government will not tolerate lawlessness from MDC Alliance malcontents who lost in the 2018 harmonised elections, but are plotting to destabilise the country through unlawful demonstrations, Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga has warned; according to the State media.
According to State media, Chiwenga said Zanu-PF was supreme to Government and the revolutionary party would remain committed to reviving the economy ahead of politics as people’s aspirations were a priority.
The Vice President made the remarks while introducing President Mnangagwa to delegates at the Zanu-PF 18th Annual National People’s Conference yesterday.
In a stern warning to the opposition, Chiwenga said authorities will not tolerate machinations by the Nelson Chamisa-led party, which is promoting a legacy of polarisation and wanton disrespect of the Constitution by engaging in unlawful demonstrations.
“These malcontents, after losing both the 2018 harmonised General Elections and the Constitutional Court case continue on a spate of retrogressive violence, intimidation and a propensity for lawlessness, ostensibly to resist the reality of the Second Republic under your (President Mnangagwa) astute leadership,” he said. “This is evident in their persistent threats to demonstrate and carry out unsanctioned and illegal industrial actions.”
Chiwenga likened Chamisa to 12th Century Asian war monger Genges Khan who founded one of the largest contagious armies in world history, spreading to Eurasia.
He said Chamisa’s refusal to enter into the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) exposes the MDC-A’s propensity for toxic politics.
“We are Zimbabweans and this is our country, we have no other country to go to, we must be united as Zimbabweans,” said the Vice-President.
“There are those like Ganges Khan who thought he would rule the world and made the entire army to perish in the Asian desert and the horses to perish in the desert. Muno hazvibudirire. (It won’t happen here in Zimbabwe).
“You (President Mnangagwa) extended a hand to all political parties that contested the 2018 elections to participate in POLAD. We are saddened as a Party that your goodwill gesture has not been reciprocated by some.”
Chiwenga said people’s expectations must come first with the underlying thread being to diversify the economy to improve the social well-being of citizens in line with Vision 2030.
“Our people’s expectations should always be the guiding compass to deliberations at this auspicious 18th National People’s Conference, as enunciated by our winning Election Manifesto and the critically binding resolutions of the 2018 National People’s Conference,” he said. “This Conference is an opportunity to reflect the arduous road we have travelled during the year as we implemented the resolutions of the last Conference, with the avowed aim of improving the lives of our people.
“The underlying thread remain an obligation to build the capacity of our diverse economy for the social well-being of our citizenry, in tandem with the clear vision of becoming an Upper Middle Income Economy by year 2030.”
Chiwenga also underscored Zanu-PF’s superiority over Government emphasising that the party should guide national policies in line with the 2018 election manifesto that won the people’s vote.
He described President Mnangagwa as a “visionary, resolute, consistent, persistent, and tried and tested leader” whose 2030 Vision would guide Zimbabwe into a prosperous future.