Chinotimba asks why fuel is so expensive in Zimbabwe- are we still in Rhodesia?

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Buhera South Member of Parliament Joseph Chinotimba has asked why fuel in Zimbabwe is so expensive while that in Zambia is much cheaper yet it is transported through Zimbabwe?

He was asking a supplementary question after Deputy Energy Minister Tsitsi Muzenda had said that fuel in Zimbabwe was very expensive because of the taxes added on by the government.

“Madam Speaker, fuel that we use in Zimbabwe and Zambia is procured from the same place in Mozambique,” Chinotimba said.

“It is procured from the same area. Zambian fuel passes through Zimbabwe and goes through Chirundu Border Post and when it is there, it costs 80 cents per litre.

“Mozambique sells fuel at 50 cents per litre.

“We need to understand. The Minister should explain to us. If they are failing to manage, they should give the Minister of Finance and Economic Development because they regulated this.

“It is not proper to say it is taxes because Zambia (whose fuel) passes through our place … sells their fuel at 80 cents, yet we are paying $1.36 per litre.

“A liberated country like us, we should be enlightened as to why our fuel is so expensive. We are in a liberated zone and country and we also have liberated Ministers.

“They are not in Rhodesia. The question that was asked by the Hon. Member was that why is it that our goods in Zimbabwe are expensive? Are we in Rhodesia?”

Muzenda admitted that Zambia and Zimbabwe procured their fuel from the same place but said the issue of taxes fell under the Ministry of Finance.

Q & A

HON. BEREMAURO: Thank you Madam Speaker. My question is directed to the Minister of Energy and Power Development. Hon. Minister, what is the Government policy on fuel pricing bearing in mind that Zimbabwe’s fuel is more expensive, compared to our neighbours like Zambia, Botswana and South Africa. Thank you.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT (HON. SEN. MUZENDA): Thank you Madam Speaker. I would like to thank the Hon. Member for the question. It is true, our fuel is a bit more expensive compared to others in the region because we have several taxes we add to the fuel when it reaches here. Thank you.

HON. MAJOME: Thank you Madam Speaker. Since the Hon. Minister said that our fuel is higher because of taxes which I assume are levied by the Government; my question to the Hon. Minister is, is the energy sector and your Ministry not also committed to improving the ease of doing business in the country because surely if the single factor that causes exorbitant fuel prices is the Government itself through its taxes, is it not that the Ministry is falling afoul of the general policy of improving ease of doing business and making it easier to do business, instead of the Government being a cost and a pain to producers and industries?

HON. SEN. MUZENDA: Thank you Madam Speaker. I would like to thank the Hon. Member for the question. Yes, Government tries to alleviate the taxes but at the moment it is not possible. However, when the climate is conducive, that will be looked into.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: Madam Speaker, fuel that we use in Zimbabwe and Zambia is procured from the same place in Mozambique. It is procured from the same area. Zambian fuel passes through Zimbabwe and goes through Chirundu Border Post and when it is there, it costs 80 cents per litre. Mozambique sells fuel at 50 cents per litre. We need to understand. The Minister should explain to us. If they are failing to manage, they should give the Minister of Finance and Economic Development because they regulated this.

It is not proper to say it is taxes because Zambia that passes through our place when transporting their fuel sells their fuel at 80 cents, yet we are paying $1.36 per litre. A liberated country like us, we should be enlightened as to why our fuel is so expensive. We are in a liberated zone and country and we also have liberated Ministers. They are not in Rhodesia. The question that was asked by the Hon. Member was that why is it that our goods in Zimbabwe are expensive? Are we in Rhodesia? Thank you. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members!

*HON. SEN. MUZENDA: Thank you Madam Speaker. I would like to thank Hon. Chinotimba. It is true that fuel that goes to Zambia, that comes here and that which is taken to other nations is procured at the same place. Like I said, the issue of Government taxes is not for my Ministry. That is a mandate of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.