Why is Tsvangirai dodgy about succession if it is so clear?

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Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai was so dodgy about the succession issue that people must be wondering whether he has not muddied the waters just like the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front where the two-vice-presidents are reported to be of the same status.

MDC-T has three vice-presidents and a national chairman.

Here is how Tsvangirai responded when he was asked about the issue by the Voice of America’s Blessing Zulu.

Q. There has been talk of who leads the party in your absence. There was talk of misunderstandings among Thokozani Khupe, Nelson Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri. Who should be acting president?

A: nhai, nhai nhai, musangano wakarongeka ungaite nharo dzakadaro? Our party is very clear. It has a constitution. It is very clear and they know who should be acting (president).

Q: Is it Khupe?

A: No I can’t say ndiani. Ivo vanozviziva ava three. Handingafambe ndichitaura kuti ndiani. Ivo vanozviziva kuti ndiani. And they don’t have to be told. Do we have to reprint things over and over again?

The Insider could not find the latest party constitution on the party’s website or anywhere else online. The same applied to the latest ZANU-PF constitution which allegedly gave the party president powers to nominate his deputies.

Can anyone who has the MDC-T constitution tell us who should take over in Tsvangirai’s absence according to the constitution.

And can anyone avail us electronic copies of both the MDC-T and ZANU-PF constitutions. – The Insider