Hubby gives family property to girlfriend

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OUT of sight, out of mind. Nearest is dearest!

That’s the alleged case of Zachael Musverevani from Bulawayo’s Mpopoma suburb. His wife Violet Mavesa stays at their rural home and as such he found love down the street from their house. From time to time he is seen playing lovey dovey with Getrude Maphosa from the neighbourhood.

Musverevani’s love for Maphosa has seen him give her household property from his matrimonial home.

His wife Mavesa observed this as a sign she might lose him for good. Therefore, she decided to relocate to their town home to put a stop to her husband’s madness.

Violet Mavesa

Violet Mavesa

In his love madness, Musverevani neglected taking care of their children, even failing to pay school fees.

“When I arrived, I inquired about my sofa which I was told had been given to his girlfriend.

“Realising that this woman had gone too far, I approached her and demanded my sofa back. She has caused so much suffering in my life and my children are not even going to school because my husband spends a lot on her.

“She even goes around lying that she’s the second wife. She’s just a girlfriend and my husband even mentioned before her that she was just a girlfriend the day we went to her home to collect the sofa,” said the teary Mavesa.

However, on the other hand Maphosa maintained that she was the second wife only that Mavesa did not want to accept that fact.

“I am the second wife and have stayed with Musverevani for almost 10 years while she was based in the rural areas.

“Our husband is the one who gave me the sofa saying he did not have enough space at their home. Maiguru now comes to my home to insult and assault me in front of my children.

“Anyway I gave her back the sofas and we solved our problems,” said Maphosa.

Efforts to get a comment from the man at centre of controversy were fruitless.