High Court says Job Sikhala has a case to answer

Job Sikhala
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THE High Court yesterday dismissed Citizens Coalition for Change deputy chairperson Job Sikhala’s application for removal from remand in a case where he is accused of public incitement.

Sikhala faces charges of incitement to cause public  violence.

In his application, Sikhala had accused magistrate Lazini Ncube of grossly erring by placing him on remand.

But High Court judge Justice David Mangota said Sikhala had a case to answer

“He was properly placed on remand. He should wait for his trial as a result of which he would raise the defence which he sought to rely upon when he challenged his placement on remand. His application for review is dismissed with costs,” Justice Mangota ruled.

“In ruling as I did, I remained persuaded by the need on my part as well as on that of the parties to have the matter decided more on the merits than on a technicality.”