Chiredzi – The Zimbabwe Sugar Development Association (ZSDA) will hold its first ever Annual General Meeting (AGM) today after a High Court ruling of October 2021.
The ruling resolved the wrangle that erupted in 2019 when the organisation split into two because of an election dispute.
ZSDA split into ZSDA and ZSDA (Royal Trust) following an election result dispute between the founding chairman, the late Edmore Veterai and Elisha Tamirepi who claimed victory.
After the elections the former top Policeman Veterai went on to lead ZSDA (Royal Trust) while Tamirepi led ZSDA and the latter took away with it a lot of members.
The dispute was taken to the High Court and the ruling came in favour of the late Veterai who won the right to use the name ZSDA.
Peter Haruzivishe who became chairman in 2020, following the death of Veterai in November 2020 told The Mirror in an interview that ZSDA will now hold its first AGM today in light of the High Court ruling.
Haruzivishe described today’s AGM as a new lease of life that saw many farmers returning to the organisation. He said that membership had dropped to 40 following the death of Veterai but it has shot up to 70 after the resolution of the dispute by the High Court.
“The organisation was in limbo for some months now after the rival faction took us to High Court. We have not been doing many activities as we waited for the Court ruling which came in our favour.
“We have retained the name. The squabbles saw us losing everything and I am happy we are now starting afresh,” said Haruzivishe.
ZSDA secretary general Solomon Gavaza also confirmed the rising membership.
“When we split, we were left with around 40 farmers and I am happy to report that the number has increased to 70,”said Gavaza.
Efforts to get a comment from Tamirepi were futile as his mobile was not reachable.
Haruzivishe is expected to lead the organisation after today’s AGM. https://masvingomirror.com