‘Hands off married man’ – Magistrate warns smallhouse

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YOU home wrecker!

A Bulawayo magistrate lashed out at a woman who was in the dock for sleeping with a married man.

Magistrate Tinashe Tashaya issued the stern warning to Sithabile Mabandla who is understood to be a marketing executive at a funeral services company in Bulawayo. Mabandla is in a relationship with Nomzamo Zuze’s husband, Visque Washington Zuze.

The magistrate spewed venom while presiding over a case in which Nomzamo was suing Mabandla for disturbing her peace and marriage.

He said adultery remains wrongful and Nomzamo’s application for a peace order was justified as it serves to protect her marriage.

This was after Nomzamo stated in her application for a peace order that Mabandla was in the habit of verbally and emotionally abusing her.

“I am married to Visque Washington Zuze in terms of the Marriages Act Chapter 5:11. Sithabile Mabandla who is my husband’s girlfriend and is in the habit of verbally and emotionally abusing me together with my children.

“She also comes to my place in the company of my husband and in the process she will insult me and my children.

“On 3 April this year she came to my house and insulted my eldest child.  As a result of this I am praying to the court that she should be ordered not to insult or communicate with me and my children and should also not come to my house in Entumbane,” begged Nomzamo.

Contesting the suit Mabandla said Nomzamo’s husband lied to her that he was not married adding that they were now customarily married after he (Washington) paid lobola to her parents.

“I started dating Zuze (Washington) when he was still staying in Mahatshula and he told me that he was not married.

“I only knew last week that he was legally married to Nomzano when she served me with the papers for her application of a peace order. I don’t know what I should do now and it’s also not easy for me to leave him (Washington) since he has already paid lobola,” said a seemingly disturbed Mabandla.

Her response didn’t go down well with the magistrate who heatedly said she should immediately walk away from Nomzamo’s husband as what she was doing was “legally and morally wrong”.

“It is legally wrong to knowingly have an adulterous affair with a married man and for that the applicant (Nomzamo) can sue you for adultery.

“It is better that you leave Zuze (Washington) alone because what you are doing is legally and morally wrong. You should understand that intrusion in someone’s marriage is wrong and perpetrators like you are usually punished by being sued for adultery.

“From today onwards if you associate with Washington during the subsistence of his marriage and also in the event that he comes or sleeps at your place you should know that you are committing a serious offence that can lead to your arrest,” charged the magistrate before he advised Nomzamo to report her husband for bigamy.

In his ruling the magistrate ordered Mabandla not to verbally, emotionally abuse Nomzamo and communicate with her or her children in any way as well as not to visit her place.

The magistrate also went on to read the riot act against Mabandla ordering her not to “ever” associate with Washington during the subsistence of his marriage, adding that she should again not allow him to sleep at her place.