BEITBRIDGE- Chief Maranda, born Brighton Maranda (40) of Velcom Village Mwenezi will spend the night behind bars today after being remanded in custody to offer a Police officer a R100 bribe.
Maranda pleaded guilty when he appeared before Beitbridge Resident Magistrate Takudzwa Gwazemba today.
It is the State case that Maranda wanted to cross into South Africa through an undesignated place at Beitbridge Border Post at 12 pm on Monday. He had no passport so he was arrested by Lackson Zimunda (44) of ZRP.
He pleaded guilty to the offense and will get his sentence tomorrow.
Pithey Magumula represented the State. The accused then took a R100 note serial number VA 2153378 from his trousers pocket and gave the arresting officer so that he could be released. He was informed that he was committing another offense.https://masvingomirror.com