$3m lawsuit for labelling neighbour a satanist

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A Penhalonga man who labelled his neighbor a satanist is facing a $3 million lawsuit as compensation for the pain and suffering his neighbour suffered from the accusations.

Paul Mateko is suing George Sauro of Tsvingwe for allegedly accusing him of satanism and initiating children into the cult.

Mateko said in 2021, Sauro accused him and his family of being members of a satanic cult, and this has demeaned him in the eyes of the community who are now labelling them satanists.

He said Sauro’s claims are also affecting him at his workplace where he was once summoned by the authorities to explain himself.

Mateko said he is no longer comfortable visiting the shops or interacting with other members of the community due to the allegations.

“These allegations are also affecting my children at school as their peers no longer want to associate with them. The community witnessed what happened in 2021 when Sauro hired a lorry and ferried people to my place to ridicule me.

“This drew the attention of the Press and the story that was published affected my political aspirations as I was eyeing for a seat in the local authority. I failed to campaign as people were labelling me a satanist, no one wanted to vote for me,” he said.

However, Sauro said he never labelled Mateko a satanist.

He said his daughter manifested and claimed that Mateko’s wife had initiated her into satanism.

Sauro said Mateko wants to fix him through the lawsuit for no reason because when the incident happened back then, he was summoned to Acting Chief Mutasa’s court where he was ordered to compensate Mateko with five beasts for calling him a satanist.

“I was made to compensate him with five beasts for something I did not do and now he wants $3 million from me,” said Sauro.

The case will be back in court on March 13 and Mr Xavier Chipato is presiding over it.