Government has availed $1 million to Harare City Council to repair or upgrade collapsed sewer systems in most high density areas. The city itself, which has an open budget towards the programme, has also deployed teams from other areas to assist in western suburbs.
The city has also halted water disconnections to ensure residents have continuous water supplies in the wake of the cholera outbreak which has claimed 25 lives so far.
In an interview after touring some of the areas in Glenview and Kuwadzana, acting town clerk Enginner Hosiah Chisango said the city was also clearing rubbish dumps in the affected areas.
“As part of our response to the cholera outbreak in Harare, we have moved in the areas of Glenview, Budiriro, Kuwadzana and Mufakose since last week. What we are doing is we are repairing and upgrading some of the sewer portions that had collapsed,” he said.