Mnangagwa, Chamisa will lose 2023 elections

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NEITHER President Emmerson Mnangagwa nor nemesis Nelson Chamisa, leader of main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), will win the 2023 presidential election, a self-proclaimed prophet has said.

Parere Kunyenzura, who leads the Zimbabwe Transformative Party (ZTP) and is also eyeing state presidency, last week claimed God had ordained him to take over leadership.

Clad in colourful blue, green, and yellow religious garb, the apostolic sect leader warned the army, police, and central intelligence organisation not to involve themselves in what he claimed God had already decided.

“We have a message to President Emmerson Mnangagwa. God has numbered your days of rule and brought it to an end. You have been put on a measuring scale by God and found wanting,” said Kunyenzura.

“God has also not hidden the fact that he has given the kingdom of Zimbabwe to your neighbour, a David.

“This fate has been sealed. This fate is irrevocable. This fate is un-appealable, for God’s case has no appeal.

“To avoid ambiguity, this David is not coming from the MDC group, with their various mutations that encompass the CCC brand, just in case some fanatics in this division may start to prematurely celebrate; neither is this David coming from within the Zanu-PF stable.

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa addressing a recent campaign rally

“What I am saying is the mind of God; and it will happen irrespective of the amount of resistance or opposing force.

“Should I hide the fact that God has appointed me the David? By no means, certainly not. If I do, I would be a liar like most of them, which is sin.”

Mnangagwa and Chamisa, alongside their respective parties, are front runners at the 2023 polls, while Kunyenzura only showed interest last week, at the launch of his party.

He joins a host of other smaller political parties that have shown interest in solving Zimbabwe’s innumerable challenges; or been talking of a non-elective transition.

Chamisa has dismissed both.

Watch below at 50 minutes;

Besides calling for their removal, Kunyenzura described sanctions as “a resultant child of Zanu-PF’s maladministration,” trashing it as an excuse used by the ruling party to avoid scrutiny after a poor economic performance.

Added Kunyenzura: “I urge my sisters, brothers, mothers, and fathers in the security services that they remain apolitical, as per our constitution. This is  purely a political contest; and should be left to civilian rule. A better Zimbabwe will be better for everyone, including you too.”

The country has been recording a steady rise in the number of political parties being formed ahead of next year’s polls.

Source – NewZimbabwe