Jay Z Calls Out Donald Trump: ‘I’m Not Fearful… We’ve Been Through So Much More Than This Guy’

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Good for you, JAY-Z!!!

The rapper came out in a BBC interview this week with some very strong comments against the destructive presidency of Donald Trump, going in on the guy in a way we can only hope more people see!!!

Speaking to host Clara Amfo in an interview that predominantly covered music and his family life, JAY-Z nevertheless did touch on the social issues sweeping across the world — and namely, the things surrounding Trump’s naked bigotry and poor judgment.

Jay refused to even call the president by name, instead opting to say, in part (below):

“This guy, I’m looking at him like, man, this is a joke, with all… I can’t even say with all due respect. With all disrespect. I just think that, you know, he’s not a very sophisticated man, especially when it comes to the idea of ‘until everyone is free, no one is free.’ Period. That’s just a fact. We are all linked some kind of way. So if you oppress a certain people, everyone is in danger. That’s just … karmically and in real life. If I’m being oppressed and you have this big, nice mansion with all this, I’m coming inside there. That’s gonna happen, that’s just how life is. So on just a practical level, that just makes sense. On a spiritual and karmic level, if we’re all children of God, then we’re all brothers and sisters, and at some point, if you’re doing that to your brother, then that can’t last.”

Well said!!!

You can watch the entire interview, and hear more of JAY-Z’s words and opinions on Trump and politics in America, by watching the whole video right here (below):
