The bust up started when Charamba posted an article by an online publication quoting Zindoga citicising a story by Herald alleging that the G40 faction was paying for Marry Mubaiwa’s legal fees in a case where Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s estranged wife is accused of money laundering, attempted murder among other crimes.
“When a bulgy hollow head turns the coat,” said Charamba in reference to Zindoga.
Zindoga responded saying, “Interesting judgment of a head, given the fantastically low quality IQ cadre known to constitute the blue-eyed (home) boys!”
Charamba fired back, “And the home-boys who listen you by the collar in a lift ran down the Herald to its nadir.”
Below is the thread of the “Twar”
Zindoga: Not sure if the nose had hit the ground yet, but i divine there was once a flicker of promise for a place so bereft of talent, initiative, exposure and vision…
Charamba: Trying too hard to sound profound after a pallid editorship!
Zindoga: Your mastery of the word is quite impressive (having used it a couple of times already). Not an unforgivable conclusion, for one who relied (and continues to rely) so much on the grapevine!
Charamba: I suppose hard statistics make for the grapevine?
Zindoga: There! Lets have a couple of such empiricism, to wit!
Charamba: No problem mate. Give us the story of your editorship by: circulation, pagination, advertorial patronage and of course sales – not net profit, just gross sales!! Compare all those with what you inherited from Editor Zvayi. Then we take the conversation a whit further!!
Zindoga: He who alleges must prove… I’m sure it’s burden you had in mind when you volunteered to offer statistics. Or is it one of those empty claims of a well-known media panjandrum?
Charamba: Again you demonstrate your earthiness. Herald is a public good; everyone agonized over its rapid, precipitous decline under you, at one stage plummeting to 5 000 daily! And going by my own experience, you had taken to sending two copies of each issue to a subscriber! Let’s move beyond the quantitative to the qualitative. Tell us one story you broke during your editorship; one editorial comment that was lifted by any other newspaper, local, let alone foreign. Count for us number of corrections, retractions & basic grammatical/spelling errors! After all that and much more, tell us how you are fit to pass judgment of William Chikoto, a veteran journalist who practised when you were still agonizing in high school, and years before Cde Zvayi picked you from…eh… you know where, before you stabbed him in the back.
Zindoga: If two copies were sent to you, it means someone had quite correctly guessed that you were not tiring of scrutinising, red pen in hand, the paper for mistakes which you wanted to build a case against the Editor with! The 5k is a fat fib, that you know (or was told by usual gossips). To help you, check the statistics of the month of November and it will give you a clearer sense of decline, not in any way in your alarmist sense, and causality, maybe.
Charamba: Place it in public domain and we tell you what you don’t want the world to know! And for a whole Editor who doesn’t know when you take over you inherit a going brand? Aah!!