In a statement issued on Thursday, the organization said the Zimbabwean Community in South Africa distances itself against any crime being committed especially in areas such as Hilbrow, Yeoville and particularly Berea.
Read the full statement below:
In the wake of the brutal murder of Detective Captain Oupa Matjie, we as the Zimbabwean Community in South Africa express our sincerest condolences to his family, to the SAPS and the South African nation at large.
We are saddened and furious that the alleged murderers are said to be Zimbabwean nationals!
As the Zimbabwe Community, we abhor and loathe criminals and would like to distance ourselves from any Zimbabwean nationals who commit crimes in South Africa and thus tarnish the good name of the majority of our countrymen who are hard working and earn their living honestly. The stiffest and harshest punishment must be meted out to those criminal elements who create environments of fear amongst the communities where Zimbabweans and South Africans live harmoniously with each other.
We implore the community not to see such disdainful conduct as representative of the Zimbabwean community but as acts of very few criminal elements in our community whom Zimbabweans are also daily victims of! Therefore whatever wrath must be directed at criminals via the law agencies instead of the ordinary Zimbabwean nationals.
A huge outcry has been raised where in Hilbrow, Yeoville and particularly Berea, some roads have become no-go areas and violent criminals are terrorising the community all day, robbing, stabbing and even with reports of deaths of our people.
The Zimbabwe Community in South Africa is organising a crime summit in Berea on the 6th of February to attend to these concerns by the community and we argue all stakeholders to participate in this crime summit. We all must work together to stop crime. Crime is crime and these criminals do not segregate their victims by nationality. Let us stop crime!
Bongani Mazwi Mkwananzi
+27 73 984 0241
Ngqabutho Nicholas Mabhena
+27 83 340 1000