Confirmed: Mugabe is G40 leader

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IN response to Mugabe in shock Cabinet reshuffle: This has indeed confirmed what has always been said that President Robert Mugabe is the head of G40, the master of divide and rule.

By Wezhira Wezhara
The most important thing left is to let him go it alone with his wife and their close relatives, come election time.

If indeed the Cabinet reshuffle was necessitated by underperformance, why was Patrick Zhuwao retained as a minister when he could not interpret the indigenisation policy till his uncle did it for him?

Energy minister Samuel Undenge looted Zesa funds and gave some tenders to Wicknell Chivayo, who has not done anything in Gwanda, but because “Dr Bambazonke” was the beneficiary through some Dubai lunch, he was not fired.

Former Public Service minister Priscah Mupfumira fired some Border Gezi troopers who were later reinstated at a rally in Chinhoyi and that is why she was fired. Ignatius Chombo was rewarded with the Finance ministry portfolio because he is the Zanu PF secretary for administration, so now he has to extract funds from Treasury and fund party activities now that elections are around the corner

No one of the Lacoste team members has been promoted and G40 seems to have been rewarded.

Zimbabweans are not impressed with the new man at the important Finance ministry. Chombo’s past does not impress many.

While a person is presumed innocent in instances like these where he has not even been brought before a court of law for corruption, it is important that we portray the correct image in as far as honesty and integrity are concerned.

This is a national purse and the person holding such an esteemed office must not be tainted in any way.

There must be no blemishes because even perceptions turn to be reality where issues around finance and the economy are concerned.

Besides, the previous minister was better had he been allowed to implement some of the changes he had hoped for such as reducing the civil service.

Furthermore, Chombo has not been close to matters around finance and economic development and one wonders what is going to come from between those two ears.

Mugabe should not have allowed his reasoning to be clouded by factional politics. However, there are a few positives. – NewsDay