Vast boosts production in Romania and Zimbabwe

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Production continues to come in strong from Vast’s operations in Romania and Zimbabwe

Vast Resources PLC enjoyed a record third quarter, as operations at the Manaila polymetallic mine in Romania and the Pickstone-Peerless gold mine in Zimbabwe outperformed the previous quarter in terms of tonnes mined, tonnes milled, copper concentrate produced and gold produced.

At Manaila there was a 31% increase in copper concentrate produced, although grade dropped marginally. Zinc production fell, but gold production rose.

At Pickstone-Peerless, in which Vast holds a 25% stake, ore mined and milled hit their highest levels since June 2016.

Gold production by 17% increased to 4,738 ounces.

“It is pleasing to be able to report improved quarterly production statistics as the Company strives to become overall cash generative,” said chief executive Roy Pitchford.