Drama as lizard jumps out of woman’s bag

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There was “real drama in Skies” at Sekusile Shopping Centre, Nkulumane 5, when people witnessed a weird incident of a monitor lizard jumping out of a commuter omnibus following its owner who had just alighted.

To the surprise of many, the monitor lizard popularly known as uxamu “followed” Pauline Mungofa and started licking her heels proving they were “friends”.

lizard in bag (1)

Within a twinkle of an eye, Mungofa was surrounded by people who had witnessed what had happened and shocked by the incident.

As if that was not enough, it is reported that the monitor lizard which had been following the woman disappeared and another one which was in her bag peeped,  further causing chaos.

Mungofa threw down her handbag and the monitor lizard came out and tried to run for its dear life, but people stoned it to death.

“We were really shocked to see a big lizard jumping out of the kombi and following the woman who had alighted.

“You know at Sekusile it’s always busy and as vendors we saw everything. The lizard ran straight to the woman after jumping out of the kombi.

“After seeing it, she did not even try to run away or do anything and that is when people shouted and surrounded her demanding answers on what was happening.

“Though she tried to act shocked after it had disappeared, another one which was in the handbag was also trying to come out and she just threw her bag on the ground,” said one vendor Thembekile Moyo.

It is said that after being quizzed and getting assault threats, Mungofa revealed that she had got the monitor lizards in Harare.

“The woman said she was coming from Harare where she got the lizards, but unfortunately never explained much as people accused her of being a witch.

“They wanted to mete instant justice on her. She was saved by police who took her away and the monitor lizard was stoned to death,” said the source.

Bulawayo Metropolitan police spokesperson Inspector Precious Simango confirmed that they got the report.

“We got the report, but no one could prove that the lizard belonged to Mungofa and therefore she was charged with disorderly conduct because she caused a scene,” said Insp Simango.

She was fined and discharged. – B-Metro